March forth!

Update March 14, 2024: THANK YOU for helping make us NUMBER ONE already! Click to pre-order the Round America with a Duck ebook in the USA. Pre-orders help a great deal — they get the algorithm working in support of the book. Both the paperback and the ebook will be available globally March 20, 2024.

It’s March 4th — march forth! It’s my favorite day of the year. It’s the day for fanning that small little fire that manages somehow to stay alive in our hearts, despite the constant negativity around us telling us our dreams, our callings, are not reasonable or acceptable or even possible.

This is your reminder that your heart knows where it wants to go. Go. Take one small step forward in the direction of your destiny today. And, as always, trust the journey.

Join me on a journey in search of hope during some really difficult times right now in our country and world. Pre-order the Round America with a Duck ebook — both the ebook and the paperback will be available globally on March 20, 2024 — super soon! I love this book, and I think you will, too. I’m an indie author and your support is greatly appreciated.

Amazon listing which shows the Round America with a Duck ebook pre-order opportunity
Click to visit the Amazon listing and to pre-order the ebook (there are no pre-orders for the paperback). Pre-orders help alert the algorithm to recommend the book to more people. The paperback and ebook will both be available on March 20, 2024.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. mitz023fad76835c says:

    Another big step forward. Congratulations 🎊 

    Sent from my iPhone


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